Ep. 106 Jasna Burza: From Surviving a War to Thriving as a Life Coach


Jasna Burza grew up in the middle of the Bosnian war. Her family was separated when she was nine years old; she went to a refugee camp and her father was sent to a concentration camp.  Throughout her childhood, Jasna experienced poverty, hunger and fear of grenades.

Jasna and her family eventually fled Bosnia. She graduated from the University of Saint Benedict and has lived in Minnesota ever since. Despite dealing with miscarriages, financial hardship during the pandemic and PTSD while watching news from the war in Ukraine, Jasna chooses to stay positive and look on the bright side. She is now a Life and Business Coach and helps other people thrive in their lives and businesses.

In this episode of Flip Your Script with host Kristi Piehl, Jasna talks about growing up during the war in Bosnia, her experiences with miscarriages and child loss and how despite losing everything, 2020 was the best year of her life. 


Spend time in nature.


Jasna Burza’s Website, Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Youtube

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk on Amazon


La vita è bella

Ep. 107 Juliana Brandt: From a Decade of Dreams to Published Author


Ep. 105 Stephen Stearman: From Corporate Misfit to Cannabis Entrepreneur